Thursday, January 31, 2008

Anna Sullivan stages VAC coup!

Not unlike our host country Bolivia, VAC celebrates it's third president in a year. Anna Sullivan (Basic San, B-45) deposed former President Mariscal Philip Chamberlain (IE, B-45) in a bloodless coup in the conference room on the 3rd floor of the central office in Cochabamba.

Madame President Sullivan is our first female VAC president since Elizabeth Schlessman (IE, B-36) and our shortest president since tracking of these useless statistics began. It's quite probable that she is the first married VAC president as well. First Gentleman Thomas Sullivan could not be reached for comment although it is assumed that he is happy for his wife and plans on using his new position as a bully pulpit to bring about Peace Corps Healthcare reform.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Kerby Smithson Saves VAC

A shout out to VAC member and savior, Kerby Smithson, for single-handedly securing the existence of the Volunteer Advisory Committee by copying the only existing version of their bylaws to his flash drive before the hard drive of the computer in the PCV lounge in the Coch office was erased.

As a reward, he will receive a gnome. We apologize that it looks a little like the president. It couldn't be helped.

Welcome to Bolivia, B47!

Glad you guys are on your way. Safe travels. Brace yourself for the wild times to come.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Cooper at 771 75052. He's single and good looking.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

anybody got Omnivore's Dilemma?

If anybody's got it and is done with it, I would love to read it. Perhaps inter-office mail it to me in Santa Cruz, pue?
thanks a mil, anna sullivan